Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers Published by Pioneertown

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Where to begin with this story, which really isn’t a story if you want to get technical about it. Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers began as a joke, which turned into a Facebook post, which then morphed into an essay I guess would be the proper term. Either way, it was never anything I imagined a literary review publishing, and yet, here we are. Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers was published by Pioneertown today.

Dear Vegan Food Manufacturers was written in February of 2019. After that, it sat unused until October of 2020, when for a bit of a lark I sent it to two literary reviews, one of which soon after rejected it and the other which just as quickly accepted it for publication. Now here we are just four months later, with it out to be viewed by the world. I guess it just goes to show, you never know what might catch somebody’s eye when it comes to writing. Not everything has to be serious after all.